2016 Events
December 10th 2016, AlterConf at Microsoft:
November 29th 2016, NYC Tech Latinas at Buzzfeed:
#LadyBoss: A Scientific Approach to Effective Leadership Practices
HelloFlo Interview April 2016:
"Natali Perilo Is Using Science and Psychology to Help People Tackle Life’s Biggest Obstacles"
2015 Events
School and workshops on "Classroom Management and Effective Teaching Strategies"
Sally Conference 2015 at ThoughtWorks, NYC, NY, a goal-setting and behavior based leadership training for mid-career women in tech. https://sallyconference.splashthat.com/
Researcher for “Motivation For Millennials” paper, presented by Jennifer Rodriguez at the eighth ABAi Conference in Kyoto, Japan, 2015.
This paper identified reinforcing variables and key motivators for the millennial generation in a workplace that encompasses four different generations. It addressed the issues of sustaining employee retention and increasing motivation for millennial employees in order for them to feel successful and maintain employment.